Following some earnings data for Aflac Incorporated (NYSE:AFL), we note that the current quarter EPS consensus estimate is 1.06. This EPS estimate is using data provided by 5 sell-side analysts polled by Zacks Research. This consensus estimate may vary from other data outlets providing consensus projections. Last quarter, the company reported a quarterly EPS of 1.12. Investors often pay extra close to the actual numbers when they are reported. If the actual comes in way under what the analysts were predicting, investors might want to take a deeper look to see what is going on with the stock. Investors may also be on the lookout for positive surprises on earnings beats. When a company reports actual earnings results, the surprise factor may cause the stock price to move sharply in either direction. Because it is difficult to gauge how a stock will react after the earnings report, investors may trade with increased caution during this period of time.
Trading the stock market can sometimes feel like a wild roller coaster ride. When stocks are soaring, investors may feel like they can’t lose. When markets are sinking, investors may feel like there is nothing that they can do. Individual investors may have experienced both ends of the spectrum. Sometimes, an investor may secure some winning trades right out of the gate. This may cause the individual to become overconfident in their ability. Markets have the ability to shoot down overconfidence very quickly. On the other side, investors may only experience losses right off the bat and become highly discouraged. Figuring out how to manage winners and losers can big a big help to the investor’s psyche in the long-term. Frequently assessing which trades worked and examining why they worked may greatly assist the investor. The same can be said for trades that did not pan out.
In the fast paced world of stock market investing, individuals are always looking for information to help provide an edge. Many investors will study sell-side analyst opinions to help assist with navigating the market. Turning the attention to shares of Aflac Incorporated (NYSE:AFL), we can see that the current average broker rating is now 2.14. This rating is provided by Zacks Research using a scale from 1 to 5. Following this scale, a 1 would indicate a Strong Buy and a 5 would represent a Strong Sell rating. Digging a little deeper, we can see that out of the polled analysts, 3 rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy. This average broker rating may help investors decide if they feel the same way about the stock as the professionals.
Investors might be trying to gauge which way shares of Aflac Incorporated (NYSE:AFL) will swing over the next couple of quarters. In recent trading activity, the stock has been seen near the $49.18 level. Many investors pay increased attention to shares when they are nearing notable historical highs or lows. Over the past 52 weeks, the stock has touched a high price of 50.25, and seen a low price of 41.7. Looking at some additional historical stock price information, we note that shares have seen a move 3.1% over the previous 12 weeks. If we pull in closer to look at performance over the past month, we see that shares have seen a change of -1.05%. Over the last 5 trading sessions, the stock has moved 0.53%. Investors will most likely be keeping their eyes peeled to see how the stock performs heading into the next round of earnings reports.
Active traders are typically striving to spot winning entry and exit points for trades. Following technical indicators may help traders gain some insight on how best to do this. There are plenty of indicators that have helped traders make winning trades. Because there are so many to choose from, beginning traders may want to start by focusing on a few different combinations to start with. Professional chartists may have ultra complex charts set up to spot perfect trade entries. Others may use one or two simple indicators to aide with setting up the trade. Keeping track of all the data may be a challenge at first, but there are many platforms out there that have made the process much simpler than ever before. Setting up a winning strategy may take some time and perseverance, but taking the time to acquire the proper knowledge may mean the difference between winning and losing trades in the future.