
Sell-Side Estimates iof $1.07 n Focus for U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB)

admin 6 years ago 3

As the next earnings season comes into focus, investors will be watching to see which companies surpass expectations. Many investors consider earnings performance to be one of the most important factors when deciding which stocks to choose. When quarterly earnings numbers are released, the investing community closely watches to see if a company beats or misses projections. Tracking some earnings projections, we note that the current quarter EPS consensus estimate for U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB) is 1.07. This EPS estimate is using data provided by 9 sell-side analysts polled by Zacks Research. For the last quarter, the company reported a quarterly EPS of 1. Because earnings surprises may cause the stock price to rise or fall drastically in the short term, investors may choose to make the buy/sell decisions after the smoke has cleared.

Investors might be trying to figure out an investment plan that is right for them. Some may opt to go with a short-term plan, and others may choose to invest in stocks for the long haul. The thought of creating a defined plan may be overwhelming to some. Comparing the plusses and minuses of both may be a good way to start forming a strategy. Investing for the short-term may offer chances to capitalize on gains over a few weeks or months. There may be more fluctuations to deal with in the short-term, but the rewards may be greater if managed properly. One drawback of investing for the short-term is that it may involve more risk. The element of correct timing comes into play when trying to enter or exit a position, which may not be for everyone. Investing for the long-term may be a safer way to go as investors are typically looking for smaller gains over a longer period of time.

In the fast paced world of stock market investing, individuals are always looking for information to help provide an edge. Many investors will study sell-side analyst opinions to help assist with navigating the market. Turning the attention to shares of U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), we can see that the current average broker rating is now 2.75. This rating is provided by Zacks Research using a scale from 1 to 5. Following this scale, a 1 would indicate a Strong Buy and a 5 would represent a Strong Sell rating. Digging a little deeper, we can see that out of the polled analysts, 4 rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy. This average broker rating may help investors decide if they feel the same way about the stock as the professionals.

Investors might be trying to gauge which way shares of U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB) will swing over the next couple of quarters. In recent trading activity, the stock has been seen near the $51.84 level. Many investors pay increased attention to shares when they are nearing notable historical highs or lows. Over the past 52 weeks, the stock has touched a high price of 55.35, and seen a low price of 43.76. Looking at some additional historical stock price information, we note that shares have seen a move 1.33% over the previous 12 weeks. If we pull in closer to look at performance over the past month, we see that shares have seen a change of 7.91%. Over the last 5 trading sessions, the stock has moved 1.23%. Investors will most likely be keeping their eyes peeled to see how the stock performs heading into the next round of earnings reports.

Investors are always trying to get an advantage in the equity market. Everyone wants to find that next great stock pick that provides a solid boost to the portfolio. Investors often identify risk preference when trying to sort out asset allocation. In general, a higher amount of risk may offer a greater potential for growth. Many investors may struggle with the concept of leaving emotion out of picking stocks. Equity research may involve a high degree of patience, determination, and lots of homework. Learning everything possible about the markets can help the individual investor better navigate the waters. As the old saying goes, knowledge is power. Being able to filter through the data to determine what is relevant information may assist the investor with making those tough investment decisions.

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