The Money Flow Indicator for Universal Corp (UVV) has touched below 30 and has found a place on investor’s radar as it potentially nears the key 20 mark. The MFI indicator is an oscillator which ranges between fixed values of 0 and 100 and as with most oscillators divergences form a major part of trading with the MFI indicator. Traders look for divergence between the indicator and the price action. If the price trends higher and the MFI trends lower (or vice versa), a reversal may be imminent. Market tops tend to occur when the MFI is above 70 or 80. Market bottoms tend to occur when the MFI is below 20.
Investors should however be wary of trading these levels blindly. As the warning goes, an overbought market can remain overbought for an extended period. Strong trends can present a problem for these classic overbought and oversold levels. The MFI can become overbought, and prices can simply continue higher when the uptrend is strong. Conversely, the MFI can become oversold, and prices can simply continue lower when the downtrend persists. Like the RSI, this indicator is best used in conjunction with another indicator as confirmation.
Investors are often trying to figure out the best way to analyze the stock market. When it comes to stock research, investors may use fundamental analysis, technical analysis, or a combination of both. Boiling down the two techniques, studying the fundamentals puts the focus on factors that may influence specific stocks, and studying the technicals puts the focus on market behavior analysis. Investors who study the fundamentals are typically trying to understand why stocks and markets move the way they do. Technical analysts are more concerned with spotting trends and trying to measure the characteristics of those trends. Some investors may prefer one method of stock research over another, but many investors may use a combination of both methods to help make sure that all the bases are covered.
Investors might be interested in taking a closer look at additional stock technical levels. After a recent check, Universal Corp (UVV) has a 14-day ATR of 1.33. The average true range indicator was created by J. Welles Wilder in order to measure volatility. The ATR may help traders to determine the strength of a breakout or reversal in price. It is important to mention that the ATR was not designed to calculate price direction or to predict future prices.
Currently, the 14-day ADX for Universal Corp (UVV) is sitting at 31.97. Generally speaking, an ADX value from 0-25 would indicate an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would support a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would identify a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would lead to an extremely strong trend. ADX is used to gauge trend strength but not trend direction. Traders often add the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) to identify the direction of a trend.
Checking in on some other technical levels, the 14-day RSI is currently at 27.67, the 7-day stands at 19.72, and the 3-day is sitting at 14.61. Many investors look to the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reading of a particular stock to help identify overbought/oversold conditions. The RSI was developed by J. Welles Wilder in the late 1970’s. Wilder laid out the foundation for future technical analysts to further investigate the RSI and its relationship to underlying price movements. Since its inception, RSI has remained very popular with traders and investors. Other technical analysts have built upon the work of Wilder. The 14-day RSI is still a widely popular choice among technical stock analysts.
Investors may be watching other technical indicators such as the Williams Percent Range or Williams %R. The Williams %R is a momentum indicator that helps measure oversold and overbought levels. This indicator compares the closing price of a stock in relation to the highs and lows over a certain time period. A common look back period is 14 days. Universal Corp (UVV)’s Williams %R presently stands at -92.98. The Williams %R oscillates in a range from 0 to -100. A reading between 0 and -20 would indicate an overbought situation. A reading from -80 to -100 would indicate an oversold situation.
Taking a closer look from a technical standpoint, Universal Corp (UVV) presently has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of -157.03. Typically, the CCI oscillates above and below a zero line. Normal oscillations tend to stay in the range of -100 to +100. A CCI reading of +100 may represent overbought conditions, while readings near -100 may indicate oversold territory. Although the CCI indicator was developed for commodities, it has become a popular tool for equity evaluation as well.
Trying to extract profits from the stock market is not the easiest of tasks. In fact, it can be quite difficult. Amateur traders may be faced with tough challenges right out of the gate. Some traders may experience some crushing blows, and they have to figure out early on how to steady the ship. Completing all the necessary research can help the trader build a solid foundation, but when the rubber hits the road, it may take more than that just to stay afloat. Developing the proper mindset can be one of the biggest contributing factors for success in trading the stock market. This may take some time to achieve, but it may make all the difference when attempting to reach the goal of long lasting success.