
Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC) Portfolio Weight in Focus as Shares Hit 0.03490

admin 6 years ago 3

When investors are recalibrating their portfolios they should take a look at current volatility levels and the target weight calculation of a given stock.  Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC) has a current target weight (% as a decimal) of 0.03490.  This means that any balanced portfolio should not be holding more than this percentage of stock within their holdings group.  This number is based on recent stock volatility for the past 100 days.

There are plenty of different types of stocks that investors have to choose from. Some will opt to be more aggressive with their portfolios while others will choose to play it a bit safer. Blue chip stocks include companies that typically have a high market cap and have been profitable over a long period of time. Growth stocks are typically expected to have a high P/E ratio and a low dividend yield. The idea is that a growth stock will continue to expand and grow into the future. Many investors will be searching for value stocks. Value stocks are typically cyclical in nature and investors may be looking to buy and hold these types rather than try to squeeze out some short-term profits.

50/200 Simple Moving Average Cross

Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC) has a 1.02375 50/200 day moving average cross value. Cross SMA 50/200 (SMA = Simple Moving Average) and is calculated as follows:

Cross SMA 50/200 = 50 day moving average / 200day moving average. If the Cross SMA 50/200 value is greater than 1, it tell us that the 50 day moving average is above the 200 day moving average (golden cross), indicating an upward moving share price.

On the other hand if the Cross SMA 50/200 value is less than 1, this shows that the 50 day moving average is below the 200 day moving average (a death cross), and tells us that share prices has fallen recently and may continue to do so.

Returns and Margins

Taking look at some key returns and margins data we can note the following:

Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC) has Return on Invested Capital of 0.069020, with a 5-year average of 0.002924 and an ROIC quality score of 1.922764. Why is ROIC important? It’s one of the most fundamental metrics in determining the value of a given stock. It helps potential investors determine if the firm is using it’s invested capital to return profits.

As we close in on the end of the calendar year, investors may be trying to visualize potential trades for the New Year. There are many professionals that believe that there is still plenty of room for stocks to run even at current levels. Preparing the game plan for the next few quarters may give the investor some new ideas. Staying focused and maintaining discipline may help guide the investor to unchartered territory in the coming months. Tracking market events from multiple angles may also help provide some enhanced perspective. 

Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC) of the Oil & Gas Producers sector closed the recent session at 148.500000 with a market value of $748320.

In looking at some Debt ratios, Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC) has a debt to equity ratio of 0.00683 and a Free Cash Flow to Debt ratio of 16.635134.  This ratio provides insight as to how high the firm’s total debt is compared to its free cash flow generated.  In terms of Net Debt to EBIT, that ratio stands at -1.57922.  This ratio reveals how easily a company is able to pay interest and capital on its net outstanding debt.  The lower the ratio the better as that indicates that the company is able to meet its interest and capital payments. Lastly we’ll take note of the Net Debt to Market Value ratio.  Total Gabon’s ND to MV current stands at -0.526105. This ratio is calculated as follows: Net debt (Total debt minus Cash ) / Market value of the company.

Just-released report names Cannabis Stock of the Year for 2019! Their last pick has seen a +1,200% return since he released it!

This stock has all of the makings of the next great cannabis stock – early-mover advantage, international exposure and influential partnerships, plus it has a product that is unlike anything else on the market…

Drilling down into some additional key near-term indicators we note that the Capex to PPE ratio stands at 0.052587 for Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC).  The Capex to PPE ratio shows you how capital intensive a company is. Stocks with an increasing (year over year) ratio may be moving to be more capital intensive and often underperform the market. Higher Capex also often means lower Free Cash Flow (Operating cash flow – Capex) generation and lower dividends as companies don’t have the cash to pay dividends if they are investing more in the business.

Investors have plenty to keep up with when following day to day business news. Sifting through the headlines can be cumbersome, and figuring out which data to pay attention to can be very time consuming. News events can play a big role in the investing world. Big news has the ability to push a stock up or down. Sometimes the move may be justified, and other times it may not be. Disciplined investors are usually skilled at determining which information to focus on. Overreactions can play a large role in determining the long-term health of a portfolio. Investors often have to understand that a great stock can see periods of decline just as a weak stock may experience periods of strength. Putting in the research hours can help the investor prepare for opportunities when they spot unusual action in the stock market.

In addition to Capex to PPE we can look at Cash Flow to Capex.  This ration compares a stock’s operating cash flow to its capital expenditure and can identify if a firm can generate enough cash to meet investment needs.  Investors are looking for a ratio greater than one, which indicates that the firm can meet that need. Comparing to other firms in the same industry is relevant for this ratio. Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC)’s Cash Flow to Capex stands at 2.512981.

Near-Term Growth Drilldown

Now we’ll take a look at some key growth data as decimals. One year cash flow growth ratio is calculated on a trailing 12 months basis and is a one year percentage growth of a firm’s cash flow from operations.  This number stands at 0.04990 for Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC).  The one year Growth EBIT ratio stands at 1.22979 and is a calculation of one year growth in earnings before interest and taxes.  The one year EBITDA growth number stands at which is calculated similarly to EBIT Growth with just the addition of amortization.

Taking even a further look we note that the 1 year Free Cash Flow (FCF) Growth is at 0.04729.  The one year growth in Net Profit after Tax is 1.39002 and lastly sales growth was -0.01014.

Some investors may be lamenting the fact that they have not taken full advantage of the long bull run. There are plenty of pundits that are calling for a sharp stock market decline, but there are also many who believe that the ceiling has been raised and there is much more room for stocks to go higher. Getting into the market at these levels may be holding some investors back from jumping into the fray, and nobody can be sure which way the momentum will swing as we near the end of the year. The next round of company earnings reports should provide some good information about future prospects. Investors will be closely watching to see which sectors are running at full speed and which ones are lagging. 

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